

This tag is associated with 19 posts

Collaborative Technique in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text

Collaborative technique can be used to improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text with some advantages. One of them is the students work together in accomplishing the writing task. Continue reading

Tree Diagram Technique in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text

Tree diagram technique is an outlining technique which can be used to improve the organization of the students’ writing (Lee, 2004). She adds that there are several advantages of using tree diagram in teaching of writing like descriptive text. Continue reading

Simultaneous Roundtable Model of Cooperative Learning in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text

Roundtable is two-step cooperative learning structures. In step one, the teacher asks a question with many possible answers and in step two the students respond in turn to make a list of possible answers for the questions. In this technique, the students pass a single sheet of paper and a single pencil around the table to record responses (Stone, 1990). Continue reading

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and the Post -Method Era

The Communicative Approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop communicative competence (Richards & Rodgers, 2001:159). Continue reading

Webbing as a Strategy of Teaching Reading Descriptive Text

Webbing is one of the strategy in teaching reading descriptive text. Webbing is often used to organize such idea and information on a topic. Continue reading

Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Using Pictures

Picture is very important in English teaching. The picture can be used to teach descriptive text with many advantages Continue reading

Reciprocal Teaching Strategy in Teaching Reading Descriptive Text

Reciprocal teaching strategy in teaching reading descriptive text comprises four steps. They are predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing. Continue reading

Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Using Flash Card

Flash card is a classic strategy. However, it is still applicable in the English class. It can be used to teach writing descriptive text to the English students. The proposed ways are through Class-Wide Peer Tutoring and online system. Continue reading

Concept Mapping in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text

Concept have been long long ago known by teachers. It is useful for teaching the students to write like a descriptive text. Continue reading

The Example of Report Text Written by Junior High School Students

Some examples of text reporting animal composed by Junior High School Students. Continue reading